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. 2009 Apr;99(Suppl 1):S180–S186. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.126854


Comparison of the Length, Format, and Content of the 6-Session Educational and Motivational Interventions Presented to Injection Drug Users: Raleigh–Durham, North Carolina, July 2003 Through January 2006

Educational Intervention
Motivational Intervention
Session number No. of Minutes, Mean (SD) Format Content No. of Minutes, Mean (SD) Format Content
1 23 (11) 23 computer slides; demonstration and rehearsal of syringe cleaning and condom application; testing for HIV/HBV/HCV; passive referrals to substance abuse treatment and other services 1. HIV/HBV/HCV disease, infection, transmission 24 (13) 19 computer slides; demonstration and rehearsal of syringe cleaning and condom application by interventionist; testing for HIV/HBV/HCV; passive referrals to substance abuse treatment and other services 1. HIV/HCV/HBV disease, infection, transmission
2. Modes of transmission 2. Modes of transmission
3. Injection risk behaviors 3. Injection risk behaviors
4. Syringe cleaning 4. Syringe cleaning
5. Sexual risk behaviors 5. Sexual risk behaviors
6. Male and female condom use 6. Male and female condom use
7. Benefits of drug treatment 7. Benefits of drug treatment
8. Description of HIV, HBV, and HCV antibody tests 8. Description of HIV, HBV, and HCV antibody tests
2 20 (10) 6 computer slides; HIV/HCV/HBV test results; educational materials; active referrals to substance abuse treatment, HAV/HBV vaccinations, HIV care, HCV follow-up 1. Description of the meaning of positive and negative HIV, HBV, HCV test results 19 (9) 24 computer slides; HIV/HCV/HBV test results; educational materials; active referrals to substance abuse treatment, HAV/HBV vaccinations, HIV care, HCV follow-up 1. Description of the meaning of HIV, HBV, HCV positive and negative test results
2. Information on slowing or preventing onset of serious liver disease for people with chronic HCV or HBV infection including recommendations not to drink 2. Disease-specific prevention measures for negative participants
3. Disease-specific control measures for positive participants
4. Treatment information for each disease
3. Referrals to HIV treatment and HCV, HBV evaluation for positive participants and HBV vaccination for HBV-negative participants 5. Information on probable outcomes of HCV infection and on slowing HCV disease progression
3 52 (14) Video Video on HAV, HBV, and HCV 41 (14) Counseling Focused on beginning motivation to change
4 78 (15) Video HIV informational video regarding HIV transmission, natural history, and treatment and prevention 37 (14) Counseling Focused on developing a plan for change
5 39 (10) Video Video on drug preparation and sharing, demonstrating how a drug mixture becomes contaminated at different points in the process; video on HCV 35 (12) Counseling Reviewed progress and worked on overcoming obstacles to change
6 50 (9) Video In this video, recovering drug users describe consequences of addiction and programs that have helped them conquer it 35 (9) Counseling Reviewed progress, developed strategies for overcoming obstacles, and reaffirmed commitment to change

Note. HAV = hepatitis A virus; HBV = hepatitis B virus.