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. 2009 Apr;99(Suppl 1):S180–S186. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.126854


Intervention Outcomes of the 6-Session Educational and Motivational Interventions Presented to Injection Drug Users: Raleigh–Durham, North Carolina, July 2003 Through January 2006

Outcome and Predictors b OR (95% CI)
Alcohol use previous 30 days, 6-month follow-up (n = 495)
    Motivational group −0.40 0.67* (0.46, 0.97)
    Baseline alcohol use 1.38 3.97*** (2.58, 6.11)
    HCV positive −0.44 0.65* (0.44, 0.94)
Alcohol use previous 30 days, 12-month follow-up (n = 447)
    Motivational condition 0.01 1.01 (0.69, 1.49)
    Baseline alcohol use 1.20 3.32*** (2.13, 5.20)
    HCV positive −0.06 0.94 (0.64, 1.38)
Used a new syringe last injection, 6-month follow-up (n = 503)
    Motivational group 0.36 1.43 (0.79, 2.60)
    Used a new syringe last injection at baseline 1.01 2.75** (1.37, 5.52)
Used a new syringe last injection, 12-month follow-up (n = 454)
    Motivational group 0.51 1.67 (0.97, 2.87)
    Used a new syringe last injection at baseline 0.64 1.89 (0.97, 3.69)
Unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse at last sexual encounter, 6-month follow-up (n = 436)
    Motivational group 0.07 1.08 (0.69, 1.67)
    Unprotected intercourse at baseline 1.81 6.09*** (3.76, 9.84)
    Primary partner 1.30 3.68*** (2.29, 5.92)
Unprotected vaginal or anal intercourse at last sexual encounter, 12-month follow-up (n = 397)
    Motivational group 0.00 1.00 (0.65, 1.56)
    Unprotected intercourse at baseline 1.40 4.04*** (2.55, 6.39)
    Primary partner 0.90 2.46*** (1.54, 3.91)

Note. OR = odds ratio; CI = confidence interval.

*P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.