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. 2009 Apr;99(Suppl 1):S43–S47. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.121301


Overview of the UCSF Visiting Professor Summer Institute

Activities (No. of Meetings) Content
All summers
    Introduction and plan (1) Introductions and overview of Summer Institute.
    Computer/housekeeping issues (1) Essential information on computer setup, office keys, identification cards, etc.
    Science chat (3-4) Informal presentations by VPs to share their work and obtain feedback from others. Each VP conducts one science chat each summer.
    Social lunches (weekly) Lunch hosted by UCSF faculty to facilitate social connections among participants and with UCSF faculty.
    Peer review (8-12) Constructive feedback on documents (e.g., pilot study proposal, RO1 proposal) using internal and external reviewers.
Summer 1
    Specific aims seminar (1) Introduction to specific aims section of grant proposals. Development/refinement of each participant's specific aims.
    Background literature and significance seminar (1) Introduction to background and literature sections of proposals. Development/refinement of each participant's background and literature review.
    Methods seminar (1) Introduction to methods section of proposals. Development and refinement of each participant's study design and method.
    Qualitative research (2) Introduction to qualitative methods as they relate to pilot studies. Review of principles of qualitative data collection and analysis.
    Pilot study planning seminar (1) Development of each participant's pilot study.
    Human subjects issues (2) Overview of specific human subjects issues in sensitive research. Discuss practical approaches to submitting IRB applications. Provide individualized advice on IRB issues.
    Budget development (1) Practical advice on budget development and budget justification for grant proposals.
    PubMed and Web tutorial (1) Overview of literature search mechanism available at UCSF.
    Endnote tutorial (1) Introductory-level instruction on Endnote.
    Orientation to CAPS (1) Overview of CAPS structure, goals, projects, faculty, and staff in order to maximize the summer residence program experience.
Summers 2 and 3
    Research planning seminar (3) Provide individualized development and refinement of research programs.
    Qualitative analyses (individual meetings) Provide advice on analyses of pilot study data or other qualitative data.

Note. VP = visiting professor; UCSF = University of California, San Francisco; IRB = institutional review board; CAPS = Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UCSF.