Fig. 3. Light microscopic images of mouse mandibular molars of 2, 17 postnatal day- and 1.4 month-old mice.
(A) Tooth organ at postnatal day 2. Dentin and enamel formation started and thin layer of predentin and dentin were observed. Immunopositive reactions were detected in odontoblasts, ameloblasts and dental pulp. The highest expression of DSP was present in differentiated ameloblast cells. At this stage, DSP signal was not seen in cells and ECM within alveolar bone. A1 is high magnification of A. (B). The first mandibular molar at postnatal day 17. The first molar was not erupted and root dentin formation was ongoing. DSP signaling was observed in dentinal tubules of mantle dentin (arrows in B1), predentin, odontoblasts and dental pulp. Immunopositive reactions were also seen in periodontal ligament and alveolar bone (B2, B3). B1, B2 and B3 are high magnifications of B. (C). The first mandibular molar in a 1.4 month-old mouse. Tooth was erupted and root dentin formation completed. DSP expression was evident in dentinal tubules of mantle dentin (arrow in C1), predentin, odontoblasts and dental pulp. Also, signal for DSP was seen in periodontal ligament, cellular cementum (arrows in C3) as well as cells and ECM within alveolar bone (arrows in C2). C1, C2 and C3 are high magnifications of C. Bar: 500 μM in A, B and C; 50 μM in A1, B1, B2, B3 and C1, C2, C3. Ab, alveolar bone; Am, ameloblasts; Cc, cellular cementum; D, dentin; Dp, dental pulp; Dt, dentinal tubules; E, enamel; Od, odontoblasts; Pd, predentin; Pl, periodontal ligament.