Fig. 6. Twenty-four base pair sequence of mouse DSPP940/DPP489. A.
the 24 bp inserted DNA sequence. The amino acid sequence was shown below the 24 nucleotides. Missing nucleotides were indicated by gaps. B. Previous DSPP organization (mDSPP932/DPP481; E1-E5, exons 1–5) and the 24 bp in-frame indel of mDSPP940/DPP489 in exon 5 with a black box. C and D. PCR amplification of the mouse DSPP genomic DNA spanning the region of the unique 24 bp DNA sequence from various tissues of 6 month male (C) and female (D) mice, respectively. E and F. RT-PCR was used to amplify the mouse DSPP cDNA spanning the unique 24-bp region from various tissues of 6 month male (E) and female (F) mice. Specific DSPP primer sets defining this region from nucleotides 1577 to 1732 were used for PCR. G and H. GAPDH was internal positive control from 6 month male (G) and female (H) mouse cDNAs. The PCR products were run on 1.5 % agarose gels with ethidium bromide staining. Lane 1, DNA size marker; lane 2, long bone; lane 3, teeth; lane 4, pancreas; lane 5, intestine; lane 6, liver; lane 7, muscle; lane 8, kidney; lane 9, brain; lane 10, tongue. I. Analysis of the 24 bp sequence with the mouse genome (Genbank accession no. NM_010080).