Figure 3.
skewness controls phase-locking regimes and transitions.
The three panels A-B-C show triangular functions with different skewness with their peaks at
is a phase shift that results from the cable coupling. The oscillators are identical so that
. A: Right-skewed
(solid black line) plotted from left to right for three values of
together with the corresponding
(dashed blue line). Below each graph
is plotted (green lines) with the stable (black dots) and unstable (red dots) phase-locked solutions. The lower right panel shows the bifurcation diagram with the stable (solid black line) and unstable (dotted red line) phase-locked solutions. The right-skewed
yields gradual transitions between the in-phase and anti-phase solutions. B: Symmetrical
yields abrupt transitions between in-phase and anti-phase solutions. C: Left-skewed
yields bistable regions where both the in-phase and the anti-phase solution are stable.