FIG. 1.
Amino acid sequence alignment of Usp1 with homologous proteins from GenBank and MJ0577. Alignment was achieved by using online software (; version 5.4.1) (8). The protein origin and the GenBank codes are indicated (LP, L. plantarum; LVIS, L. brevis; LSEI, L. casei; LSA L. sakei; PPYP, P. pentosaceus; OENOO, O. oeni; MJ, M. jannaschii). The consensus sequence of USP is also shown (capital letters correspond to conserved residues). Symbol comparison table: blosum62. Consensus symbols: !, anyone of IV; %, anyone of FY; #, anyone of NDQEBZ. The sizes and the global identity percentages between these sequences and Usp1 are indicated on the right. Residues of the ATP binding domain are boxed, and regions predicted to contact the adenosine (A), ribose (R), or triphosphate (P) are marked.