Physical map of the different plasmid constructs of padA, padR, and usp1 and the resulting PAD activity obtained from the host strains. Plasmids pJPDC1 and pLOCPAD were constructed with the pJDC9 and the TOPO PCR 2.1 vectors, respectively. Plasmids pED, pER, pEU1, pEDR, pERU, and pEDRU were constructed by using the pET28a+ vector. Closed triangles represent His tag fusions. Promoters are indicated by small arrows at the −35 position. Restriction sites used for construction are indicated. For PAD activity, I and NI correspond to protein extract from cells either induced (I) or not induced (NI) with 1.2 mM p-coumaric acid. (+), Induction with IPTG.