FIG. 1.
ompR malT(Con)(T949A) and ackA ompR malT(Con)(T949A) mutants are synthetic lethal mutants. (A) Colony morphology after growth on LB plates at 37°C for 48 h. Note the translucent appearance of colonies formed by ompR malT(Con)(T949A) and ackA ompR malT(Con)(T949A) mutants (strains AJW3098 and AJW2051, respectively). Also note the presence within the colonies of papillae, which arise from spontaneous suppressor mutants. (B and C) Numbers of CFU and growth curves (C) for ackA (strain AJW1939) (filled diamonds), ompR (strain AJW2050) (open circles), and ackA ompR malT(Con)(T949A) (strain AJW2051) (open diamonds) mutants. Cells were grown at 37°C in LB, and samples were taken at regular intervals to determine the optical density at 600 nm (OD600) and numbers of CFU. The error bars indicate the standard deviations for triplicate determinations and are shown only if they are larger than the symbol. The lower numbers of CFU for ompR mutants can be attributed to the observation that ompR mutants grow at the same rate as WT cells (based on optical density measurements) but divide at a lower rate (based on cell number measurements) (25, 26).