FIG. 7.
The effect of Fbh1 overexpression on the spontaneous and RTS1-induced hyperrecombination in an srs2Δ mutant. (A) Ade+ recombinant frequencies in an srs2Δ mutant strain (FO1748) containing the recombination substrate shown in Fig. 2A (RTS1 orientation 1) and carrying plasmid pREP41 or pREP41-fbh1, as indicated. (B) Same analysis as shown in panel A, except that the strain (FO1750) contains RTS1 in orientation 2. Error bars are the standard deviations for the mean values. (C) The effect of Fbh1 overexpression on the percentage of Rad51 foci that colocalize with lacO-LacI foci in strain MCW2368. Note that in this experiment, Fbh1 is expressed from the wild-type nmt promoter in pREP2. This produces approximately the same level of Fbh1 overexpression in the presence of thiamine (needed to limit expression of LacI-ECFP from the pREP81 nmt promoter) as the pREP41 nmt promoter does in its absence. The data are mean values from three independent experiments in which a total of 150 spread nuclei (50 per experiment) were assessed for each strain. The error bars are the standard deviations, and the P value was obtained using a one-tailed Fisher exact test.