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. 2007 Feb;13(2):287–289. doi: 10.3201/eid1302.060686

Table. Multivariate logistic regression analysis of factors associated with infection with Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant women, northeastern Brazil.

Independent variable Adjusted odds ratio 95% Confidence interval p value
Regular consumption of homemade ice 3.10 1.53–6.24 0.002
Having feral cats in yard 1.72 0.85–3.47 0.13
Being of low socioeconomic status* 0.94 0.77–1.14 0.5
Living on an unpaved street 0.50 0.23–1.07 0.07
Free-ranging chickens in yard 0.40 0.19–0.81 0.01
Consumption of cow milk 0.42 0.16–1.10 0.08
Consumption of cheese 0.47 0.25–0.90 0.02
Consumption of ice cream 0.59 0.31–1.11 0.10
Consumption of chicken 0.22 0.057–1.30 0.10

*According to an ordinal socioeconomic score from 0 to 10.