Figure 2. HSPCs from C3aR-/- mice show decrease in day 11 CFU-S formation and content of day 16 CFU-GM/femur.
Panel A. Lethally irradiated WT mice were transplanted with Sca-1+ cells isolated from C3aR-/- and WT animals. CFU-S colonies were counted 11 days after transplantation. Inset. Examples of spleens with CFU-S colonies. The data shown represent the combined results from three independent experiments performed with 10 mice/group. *p<0.0001. All mice in irradiation control (non-transplanted) did not have any endogenous CFU-S colonies and died before day 14. Panel B. Lethally irradiated WT mice were transplanted with Sca-1+ cells isolated from C3aR-/- and WT animals. BM from femora of transplanted mice were isolated and the contents of CFU-GM and femurs was evaluated in secondary in vitro cultures. The data shown represent the combined results from three independent experiments performed with 6 mice/group. *p<0.003. All mice in irradiation control (non-transplanted) died before day 14.