Brain tissues were analyzed by double immunostaining with BrdU (red) and NeuN (green, a mature neuronal marker).
(A & B) Seven days post pMCAO treatment. (a) Sham-operated, (b) vehicle-treated, pMCAO, (c) SB-treated, pMCAO, (d) TSA-treated, pMCAO. Arrows identify BrdU (+) cells. Scale bar = 50 µm. The vehicles for SB and TSA were saline and DMSO respectively; no significant differences were found in stimulating cell proliferation.
(C, D & E) Representative data analyzed from 3–4 animals per group, 14 days post pMCAO treatment. (a) Sham, (b) vehicle, (c) SB. Arrows identify BrdU (+) cells. Scale bar = 50 µm. Fewer BrdU (+) cells were found in the contralateral hemisphere than in the ipsilateral hemisphere (E).
(F & G) Quantified results of the number of BrdU (+) cells in the ipsilateral SVZ on day 7, and DG on Day 14 post-pMCAO, respectively. Data are mean ± SEM (n = 3–4 animals per group). **p<0.01, ***p<0.001, between indicated groups. SVZ: subventricular zone, LV: lateral ventricle. DG: dentate gyrus, H: hilus, SGZ: subgranular zone, GCL: granular cell layer.