Fig. 1.
Phospho-tau immunoreactivity is increased in temporal cortex of Tg2576/Irs2−/− mice. (A) Phosphospecific anti-tau antibodies were used to probe temporal cortex of age-matched wild-type (WT); Tg2576; Irs2−/− and Tg2576/Irs2−/− animals. (B) Data shown is normalised to a phosphorylation-independent tau antibody. (C) Analysis by genotype (ANOVA with post hoc Tukeys test; n = 29) showed significant increases in tau phosphorylation in Tg2576/Irs2−/− animals relative to WT and Tg2576 animals at epitopes recognised by antibodies MC6, CP13, PG5, PHF1, and TG3 but not at the overlapping AT8 and TAU1 epitopes.