Figure 2.
Models of transport-dependent and transport-independent mechanisms of gene regulation by the nuclear-pore complex. The NPC consists of stable core components (dark blue) and peripheral Nups (red), which are often dynamic. (A) Transport-dependent regulation might involve interactions between cell type-specific TFs (green) and a specific NPC component, between an IMP (gray) that carries a TF (orange) and a specific FG Nup, or between a given mRNA and a particular Nup. (B) Transport-independent regulation might involve chromatin tethering to the NPC (nucleosomes are shown as gray discs), or the recruitment of active genes (Pol II is shown in green) to the NPC through interactions with SAGA/Sus1 (gray), mRNA or the associated mRNA export and processing machinery (light blue). Alternatively, dynamic Nups (red) could shuttle away from the nuclear pore and interact with active genes, mRNA or mRNA export/processing machinery inside the nucleus. IMP, import receptor; mRNA, messenger RNA; NPC, nuclear-pore complex; Nup, nucleoporin; Pol II, RNA polymerase II; SAGA, Spt-Ada-Gcn5-Acetyltransferase; Sus1, suc synthase 1; TF, transcription factor.