mig-32 is broadly expressed, localized to nuclei, and
concentrated in nucleoli. Differential interference contrast (A,C,E) and
epifluorescence (B,D,F) images of transgenic C. elegans.
(A,B) Mixed-stage embryos. (C,D) L1-stage larva
showing the lateral hypodermal cells. Arrowheads highlight nucleoli within
hypodermal nuclei. (E,F) L4-stage male tail. Arrowhead
highlights a nucleolus within a neuronal nucleus. (G,H) COS-7
cell transfected with FLAG-epitope-tagged C. elegans MIG-32, stained
with (G) DAPI to visualize DNA and (H) anti-FLAG antibody. Arrowheads
highlight nucleoli in the COS cell nucleus. In C-F, anterior is to the left
and ventral down. Scale bars: 10 μm.