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. 2000 Feb 5;320(7231):337–341. doi: 10.1136/bmj.320.7231.337

Table 1.

At risk pregnancies, risk recognition, and ethnic group. Values are numbers (percentages) of couples

Ethnic group First pregnancy
All pregnancies
Total No No (%) offered prenatal diagnosis Total No No (%) offered prenatal diagnosis
Cypriot* 42 34 (81) 130 119 (92)
Indian 26 13 (50) 73 46 (63)
Other 10  4 (40) 28 17 (61)
Pakistani* 52 15 (29) 149 76 (51)
Bangladeshi 8  2 (25) 20  7 (35)
Total 138 68 (49) 400 268 (67) 

Difference between proportion of Cypriot and Pakistani couples whose risk was detected in first pregnancy is highly significant, χ2=62.9, P<0.0001). 

Italian or other Mediterranean, Chinese or other South East Asian, African-Caribbean, Middle Eastern.