Mean squares (type III) from the partitioning of phenotypic variation in two standard laboratory genotypes (Col and Ler) and their Hsp101 knockout NILs, in control and Hsp101-inducing treatments. H*T indicates the Hsp101 function by temperature interaction, G*T indicates the genotype by temperature interaction, and G*H indicates the genotype by Hsp101 function interaction. Each of the sources of variance has a single degree of freedom, except the error (i.e. within-genotype, within-treatment-combination) variance, which has 32. Hypothesis testing was based on Wilk’s lambda in the manova, on F-ratios from type III mean squares for all anovas. Mean squares in bold typeface followed by asterisks were significant [*P(>F) ≤ 0.05; **P(>F) ≤ 0.009; ***P(>F) ≤ 0.0009]; bold typeface with no asterisk: P(>F) ≤ 0.10. Mean squares reported for nonsignificant interaction terms are those from the full model including all interactions. All nonsignificant interactions (indicated in normal typeface) are reported in this table, but were removed from the final model. The mean squares from the final reduced analyses are reported for whatever sources remained in the reduced models (i.e. for main effects, regardless of their significance, and for any significant interaction effects). Powers of 10 following trait names indicate that the mean square was multiplied by that power to give an easily readable number for this table