Basal level of serum Igs and Ag-specific Ig production are elevated in Casp6 KO mice. A, Sera were collected from mice and Ig isotype levels were determined by ELISA. B-D, Mice were immunized i.p. with alum-precipitated OVA at indicated doses and bled at day 7 or 14. Ag-specific Ig levels of collected sera were determined by ELISA. At day 7 postimmunization, spleens were harvested and plasma cells (syndecan-1+B220-low) and GC B cells (PNA+B220+) were examined. The data (A-D) are representative of three independent experiments using four to eight mice per genotype per experiment. Statistical analysis was defined as *, p < 0.05 and **, p < 0.01 by a paired t test.