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. 2009 Jul 27;9:177. doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-9-177

Table 3.

Phylogenetically-controlled regression analyses between tm and other variables

Long lived speciesa Herbaceousb Woodyc

Variable R ΔR2 R ΔR2 R ΔR2
Stature 0.162* -- 0.152NS 0.029NS
Growth form d 0.239*** 0.057 NC NC
Perenniality e NC 0.423*** NC
Pollination mode f 0.082NS 0.027NS 0.020NS

a N = 230 b N = 76 c N = 185

0.01<P < 0.05 and NS for P > 0.05.

d Herbaceous species were coded 0 and woody species 1; e Short-lived species (annuals and biannuals) were coded 0, and long-lived species (perennials species) were coded 1; f The mode of pollination was coded 0 for abiotic (wind- or water-dispersed) and 1 for biotic (animal-dispersed)

correlation coefficient of simple regression analyses

multiple regression analyses (stepwise option using all significant variables from the simple regression analyses): ΔR2 represents the gain of R2 (proportion of variation explained by the variables) when the variable is incorporated into the model, "--" indicates that the variable does not enter in the model, after the integration of the most explicative variables.