Fig. 5.
Recombinant LegK1 directly phosphorylates IκBα in vitro. (A) In vitro phosphorylation of IκBα by recombinant LegK1 and its truncation mutants. Purified GST-IκBα or myelin basic protein (MBP) was used as the substrate in the in vitro kinase assay by using indicated purified kinases. 32P autoradiography (Upper) shows incorporation of phosphates into the substrate and immunoblotting using the pSer32-IκBα antibody (middle) reflects the site-specific phosphorylation. Lower shows the relative level of LegK1 added into each reaction. (B) NF-κB luciferase assays of LegK1 kinase activation loop mutant (SY/AA, LegK1 S252A/Y256A) (B) or truncation mutants of LegK1 (D). HEK 293T cells were transfected with LegK1 or its variants as indicated, and the relative NF-κB luciferase activity is shown. (C) Phosphorylation of IκBα induced by truncation mutants of LegK1 in HeLa S100 extracts.