Fig. 4.
H247-BeF3− human NAMPT in complex with Mg2PRPP and BzAM. (A) Final 2Fo−Fc electron density map for H247-BeF3− at 1.9 Å. The contour level (blue) is at 1σ; gray spheres correspond to Mg2+ atoms. (B) Interactions for the BzAM, ribose and BeF3− moieties. The 2 monomers are depicted in yellow and cyan, while PRPP·BzAM is colored in black, Be is in lemon, and F represented in light blue. Blue dashed lines represent the Mg2+ coordination while the green dashed line represents distance d1 as summarized in Table 1. Water molecules and the corresponding hydrogen bonds are depicted as red spheres and olive dashed lines, respectively. (C) Interactions for the diphosphate moiety. Produced with PyMol v 1.1.