Silencing of nhr-25 in the seam cells results in increased
seam-cell numbers. Seam cells were counted in scm::nhr-25(RNAi) adult
hermaphrodites expressing scm::gfp. Also see
Table 1. (A) A schematic
drawing representing the 16 seam cells in an adult worm, originating from
H0-H2 cells (green), from V1-V6 cells (orange), and from the T seam cell
(purple). Dashed rectangle marks the tail area shown in microscope image (B).
(B) Example of an extra seam cell (arrow) in the tail. The other side of the
worm tail displays the wild-type situation, with three posterior-most seam
cells (area indicated by bracket). (C) Lineage diagram of T-seam-cell
differentiation. Blue circles indicate cells that fuse with the hyp7
syncytium, green triangles mark seam cells, and rectangles represent neural
cells; specifically, yellow rectangles symbolize phasmid socket cells and red
rectangles symbolize other neural cells. Bracket indicates hypodermal cells,
one of which probably maintained a seam-cell potential. (D,E) Expression of
the nhr-25::gfp transgene in L1 wild-type hermaphrodites. Strong
reporter activity appears in the seam cells V6, T and in the tail hypodermis
(hyp) (D). (E) nhr-25::gfp expression in the T-cell daughters (T.a,
T.p) and the tail hypodermis is indicated. Anterior is to the left.