Fig. 7.
ExbD(D25N) does not crosslink to TonB in vivo. Strains expressing chromosomally-encoded ExbD (W3110) and ExbD(D25N) (RA1045/pKP1064) were crosslinked with formaldehyde as described in Materials and Methods. ExbD(D25N) was induced with 0.05mM sodium propionate, pH 8. Samples were resolved on a 13% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and immunoblotted. ExbD was visualized with ExbD-specific polyclonal antibodies. To verify that TonB levels were unchanged, TonB monomer was visualized with TonB-specific monoclonal antibodies. Positions of molecular mass standards are indicated on the left. Identities of ExbD-specific crosslinked complexes and the ExbD monomer are indicated on the right. (*) indicates an unidentified complex.