Requirement of FGF8-like ligands for dorsal mesoderm
differentiation. Drosophila embryos at stage 10 (A-F) or stage
13/14 (G,H) were fixed and stained with antibodies against Eve (A-F) or Lb
(G,H). (A) Wild-type expression of Eve in 11 hemisegmental cell
clusters (arrowheads). (B) In Df(2R)ED2238 homozygotes, Eve
expression is absent. (C,D) ths759
homozygous (C) or hemizygous (D) embryos show normal Eve expression.
(E,F) pyr18 homozygous (E) and hemizygous
(F) embryos lack Eve-positive dorsal mesodermal precursors. (G)
Wild-type cardiac Lb expression. (H) Several, but not all, cardiac Lb
clusters are missing in pyr18 homozygous embryos