Figure 2. A TCER-1::GFP fusion protein is widely expressed and rescues the shortened lifespan of tcer-1; glp-1 mutants.
(A–C) tcer-1 expression in adult somatic tissues. TCER-1::GFP is expressed in nuclei of adult neurons (‘n’, head neurons shown by arrow in (A)), hypodermis (‘h’, (B)), muscles (‘m’, arrow in (C)), and intestinal cells (‘i’, arrowhead in (C)). The asterisk in (A) indicates expression of the co-injection marker, Podr-1::RFP, in olfactory neurons. (D) Rescue of the shortened lifespan of tcer-1(−); glp-1(−) mutant by the TCER-1::GFP fusion protein (tcer-1 OE). glp-1(−): m = 31.1±0.7, n = 204/241; tcer-1(−); glp-1(−): m = 23.4±0.5, n = 81/119, P vs. glp-1(−)<0.0001; tcer-1(−); glp-1(−); tcer-1 OE: m = 32.4±0.3, n = 111/116, P vs. glp-1(−) = 0.5, P vs. tcer-1(−); glp-1(−)<0.0001; tcer-1(−): m = 19.1±0.2, n = 50/64. See Table S1. C for additional trials of this experiment.