Comparison of distal humerus morphology of Australian Miocene Icarops aenae with Recent NZ Mystacina spp. A-C, Icarops aenae QM F30573, Wayne's Wok Site, Riversleigh WHA, Australia; anterior, lateral and posterior views (flipped). D-E, I. aenae QM F30574, View Delightful Site, Riversleigh WHA; anterior, lateral and posterior views. F-H, Mystacina robusta NZ S-35205, Exhale Air Cave, Ellis Basin, Mt Arthur, Nelson, NZ; anterior, lateral and posterior views. I-L, M. tuberculata NZ S-32400, Predator Cave, Takaka Hill, Nelson, NZ; anterior, lateral and posterior views. M-O, terminology: anterior, lateral and posterior views; medial process [e.g. [28]] = epitrochlea [e.g. [28]] = medial epicondyle [e.g. [32]]; distal spinous process [e.g. [28]] = spinous process [e.g. [32]]; central surface of capitulum [e.g. [28]]. Supraepicondylar groove shown in blue. Scale bar = 4 mm.