Fig. 2.
Dynamic pattern of fold of enrichments of miRNA targets in AIN-2 IP during development. (A) Heat map illustration of enrichment of the 15,013 testable transcripts in the AIN-2::GFP IP from worms at the five developmental stages. Log2-transformed stage-averaged fold of enrichment was displayed. Each row represents a transcript. Each column represents a stage as indicated. Red indicates enrichment in IP, green indicates depletion from IP, and gray indicates missing values. (B,D) Eight examples of dynamic miRNA::target interactions during development. The vertical axis represents log2-transformed stage-averaged fold of enrichment. (C,E) The mRNA expression pattern of the example genes in B,D during development. The vertical axis represent log2 transformed stage-averaged mRNA expression level, measured by dividing the microarray signal of the mRNA in each total lysate sample by the average signal of all mRNAs in the same sample. Error bars in B-E indicate s.e.m. (F) Distribution of the Pearson's correlation coefficiency between the expression level and the fold of enrichment in AIN-2 IP of all the testable transcripts during development. The vertical axis represents the percentage of transcripts within each 0.1 interval of the correlation coefficiency value. The median Pearson's correlation coefficiency value of all the testable transcripts is -0.46.