Epistasis analysis of cilia and the Hh signaling pathway.
(A-P)MZovl and control zebrafish embryos were stained for the
expression of ptc1 (A-H) and nkx2.2a (I-P) following
different manipulations. MZovl embryos are insensitive to ectopic
expression of shh mRNA (B,J), depletion of ptc1,2
using morpholinos (C,K), expression of rSmoM2-EGFP mRNA (D,L), treatment with
cyclopamine at 100 μM (E,M), and expression of dnPKA mRNA (F,N). By
contrast, expression of GFP-Gli1 (G,O) enhances, whereas expression of
Gli3R-EGFP (H,P) reduces, ptc1 and nkx2.2a expression.
Arrowheads in I-P indicate the posterior extent of nkx2.2a expression
in MZovl mutants. Brackets in O indicate regions with expanded
nkx2.2a expression. A-H are dorsal views of the presomitic mesoderm
of 5-somite stage embryos, and I-P are lateral views of 24 hpf embryos. Scale
bars: 100 μm.