Figure 2. MHC H-2k MCMV resistance maps to the class I D locus.
The recombinant congenic mouse lines in Table II (heterozygous for chromosome 17 haplotypes) were backcrossed to C57L. Offspring with a recombinant chromosome and several littermate controls (denoted LM for the indicated line) without a recombinant chromosome were infected with MCMV. After 90 h, spleen and liver (not shown) MCMV genome levels were determined. Interquartile range and the median values are shown, with whisker extensions to extreme values. Open and grey boxes indicate infections with 3.1.05 or 8.3.07 SGV stocks, respectively. The numbers of mice used in each group are indicated at the bottom. The box plot was created with Minitab 15 (Minitab, Inc., State College, PA). Data are representative of at least two independent experiments.