Figure 2.
The Coordinate System Created for the Atlas Plates and the Positions of Described Slices. A) The position dubbed “Lambdoid Zero,” the rostrocaudal zero point used in the atlas. Looking down on the skull as presented, with rostral to the right of the drawing, the lines represent the caudal sutures of the skull, and the grey dot represents rostrocaudal zero. The scale bars are presented in 1 mm increments. B) The location of the slices presented in figure 3. As in A, the brain is presented looking down on the dorsal surface, with rostral to the right. The scales are given in 1 mm increments. Sagittal sections are represented by the grey lines. The sections are those presented in figure 3 panels A-H. The letters A and H within the plate correspond to the panel designations in figure 3.