HTTLPR genotyping PCR was carried out on DNA samples generated by different extraction/purification methods as described in the text. A volume of 9μl of each sample was used. DNA bands associated with the `s' and `l' alleles and the `additional' band associated with the `s/l' heterozygote are indicated. A: Lane 1: 100bp ladder; lanes 2-10: DNA prepared by the RM (2), RMS (3-7), Epicentre BuccalAmp (8), Epicentre buffer followed by RMS (9), or TKM followed by BuccalAmp heat and vortex method (10). B: Genotyping PCR carried out on additional lab samples to verify heterozygote in RMS DNA. Lane 1: 100bp ladder; lane 2 empty; lane 3: DNA prepared by RM; lanes 4-5: DNA prepared by RMS, pH 7.6 buffer. Positions of the `s' and `l' allele bands are indicated. C: Genotyping PCR carried out in parallel on DNA extracted from swabs via RMS and from whole blood via RM. Lane 1: 100bp ladder; 2, 5: DNA from volunteer `A'; 3, 6: DNA from volunteer `B'; 7, 9: DNA from volunteer `C'. Lanes 2-4 were prepared from buccal swab by RMS. Lanes 5-7 were prepared from whole blood by RM. Genotypes are indicated.