Figure 5. Anti-peptide serum IgG titer, IgG1/IgG2a ratio and lipid reactivity of sera of mice immunized with N-MPR lipopeptides.
Panel A: N-MPR lipopeptides elicited serum anti-peptide IgG titers in the range of 104 to 105. Antibodies were detected in 2 of 5 mice that received liposomes containing peptide not conjugated to lipid (‘Unconj’). In all other responding groups, antibodies were detected in every mouse. Antibodies were not detected in mice receiving PC or PA conjugates. ‘Empty’ denotes animals that received liposomes lacking a peptide immunogen. All formulations contained MPL. ‘Control’ animals received no injection. Titers are expressed as geometric means. Panel B: Serum IgG responses exhibited a balanced IgG1/IgG2a ratio with a slight preponderance of IgG1. Panel C: Immune sera contained detectable antibodies to cholesterol but not cardiolipin or phosphatidylglycerol. Each group consisted of at least n = 5 animals. Error bars represent standard deviations. * p = 0.046 vs. SM, 0.012 vs. PE, 0.008 vs. CL, 0.004 vs. CHOL, 0.00002 vs. DPG, 0.007 vs. Unconj.