Fig. 6.
All 13C labeled glucose isotopomers in aspirated urine from bladder 3 h after 13C tracer glucose load. Glucose 13C isotopomer fractions are shown as per cent of the total 13C enriched fraction in urine (Y axis, Σmn=C1,2,3,4,5,6) in control (C) and valproic acid treated (VPA) animals (X axis). Control and VPA treated animals showed distorted 13C labeled glucose isotopomer fractions in urine indicating increased tracer disposal via urine (M6, [U-13C6]-d-glucose tracer injected at time 0; average + SEM, n = 8; *P = 0.016) in VPA treated animals. The various isotopomers indicate: M1, pyruvate carboxylase activity (*P = 0.029); M2, pyruvate dehydrogenase activity and complete TCA cycle turnaround; M3, glucose generated from [U-13C3]-dl-lactate and the Cori cycle; M4, non-oxidative pentose cycle; and M5, oxidative pentose cycle