Fig. 1.
Grand-average event-related potential waveforms recorded at P4 and topographical maps showing the distribution of observed N400 effects. The graphs show the waveforms for (a) words and nonwords, (b) acceptance and rejection words after attachment-related primes, and (c) acceptance and rejection words after nonattachment primes. Negative voltage is plotted upward. The vertical line in each plot indicates the onset of the target stimulus. The topographical maps depict the voltage distribution, from 250 to 600 ms after target onset, of the following N400 effects (a) the word-versus-nonword effect, (b) the attachment-related effect (acceptance vs. rejection words), and (c) the nonattachment-related effect (acceptance vs. rejection words). Darker gray areas represent greater negative-going N400 amplitude for nonwords than words in (a), and greater negative-going amplitudes for rejection than for acceptance words in (b) and (c). The topographical maps do not specify the neural generators involved in the processing of targets.