Figure 2. Confirmation of SPINK1 outlier-expression exclusively in ETS negative prostate cancers.
SPINK1 protein expression was evaluated in two cohorts (University of Michigan (UM) and Swedish Watchful Waiting (SWW)) using immunohistochemsitry (IHC) on tissue microarrays that have previously been evaluated for TMRPSS2-ERG status by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A. Representative SPINK1 positive and negative cores are shown, along with cells from the same cores negative and positive for TMRPSS2-ERG rearrangement by FISH. A TMRPSS2-ERG rearrangement through intrachromosomal deletion is indicated by loss of one 5’ (green) ERG signal. B. Contingency tables for SPINK1 expression and TMRPSS2-ERG status and p-values for Fisher’s exact tests for both cohorts are indicated.