IL-1Ra serum levels and genotypes; A1C and insulin requirements. A: Serum IL-1Ra levels at baseline and end of study (week 52) in patients with (□, responders) or without (■, nonresponders) any reduction in A1C after 13 weeks of anakinra treatment. B: Allele frequencies of allele 2 and C of the VNTR tandem repeat polymorphism in intron 2 and the SNP tagged by rs4251961, respectively, of the IL1-Ra gene in responders (□) and nonresponders (■) to anakinra treatment. C: A1C at baseline (week 0), and 13, 26, 39, and 52 weeks in responders (□) and nonresponders (▲) to anakinra treatment. D: Daily insulin dose at baseline and end of study (week 52) in responders (□) and nonresponders (■) to anakinra treatment. Data are means ± SEM or frequencies where indicated.