Phylogenetic analysis of WNV-hISR2000 E gene sequence. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences listed below was performed with PAUP (Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony) 4.0b8 (Sinaur Associates, Sunderland, MA). A neighbor-joining tree was constructed using maximum likelihood distances with the HKY85 model of substitution and allowing different rates of substitution at each codon position. Bootstrap values are the result of 1000 neighbor-joining replicates under this same model. Only relevant bootstrap values are shown. WNV-Eg101-1951 (human, H), AF260968; WNV-RUS-HP94-1963, AF237565; WNV-RUS-A1628-1967 (bird, B), AF237563; WNV-ISR-TL443-1952 (H), AF205881; WNV-RSA-H442, AF205880; WNV-Palestine-1998, V. Deubel; WNV-RO96-1030-1996 (H), AF130363; WNV-FRA-PaH651-1965 (H), AF001560; WNV-ROM96(0334)-1996, AF208579; WNV-RUS-T1304; AF237566; WNV-ISR-99Goo-1999 (B), AY033391; WNV-ISR-99Gull-1999 (B), AY033390; WNV-ISR-97Goo1-1997 (B), AF380663; WNV-USA-NY99eqhs-1999 (equus, E), AF260967; WNV-USA-CT99-2741-1999 (mosquito, M), AF206518; WNV-USA-hNY1999-1999 (H), AF202541; WNV-USA-NY99Flamingo382-99-1999 (B), AF196835; WNV-ISR-IS98ST1-1998 (B), AY033389; WNV-ISR-00Eq1-2000 (E), AF380669; WNV-ISR-98Goo1-1998 (B), AF205882; WNV-ISR-00GooN-2000 (B), AF380665; WNV-RUS-ASTR986-1999 (H), AF237562; WNV-RO97-50-1996 (M), AF260969; WNV-RUS-VLG4-1999 (H), AF317203; WNV-KEN-KN3829-1998 (M), AF146082; WNV-ISR-00GooMaS-2000 (B), AF380667; WNV-ISR-00PigC-2000 (pig, P); WNV-SEN-ArD93548-1993 (M), AF001570; WNV-ISR-hISR2000-2000 (H), AF394217; WNV-CAR-HB6343-1989 (H), AF001558; WNV-ALG-ArDjanet-1968 (M), AF001567; WNV-SEN-AnD27875-1979 (primate, P), AF001569; WNV-CAR-ArB310-1967 (M), AF001566; WNV-I.C.-ArA3212-1981 (M), AF001561; KUNV-AUS-MRM61c-1960 (M), D00246; KUNV-AUS-Boort-1984 (E), AF196519; KUNV-AUS-P1553-1994 (M), AF196495; WNV-IND-G2266-1955 (M), AF196525; WNV-IND-804994-1980 (H), AF196526; WNV-IND-G16919-1955, AF205885; WNV-WENGLER, M12294; WNV-UGA-B956-1937 (H), AF394221; WNV-SEN-ArD78016-1990 (M), AF001556; WNV-UGA-Ent63134, AF001573; WNV-UGA-MP22-1959 (M), AF001562; WNV-RCA-AnB3507-1972 (B), AF001563; WNV-CAR-HB83P55-1983 (H), AF001557; WNV-RCA-ArB3573-1972 (M), AF001565; WNV-MAD-ArMg956-1986 (M), AF001564; WNV-KEN-Na1047 (M), AF001571; WNV-MAD-ArMg978-1988 (M), and AF001574.