Figure 7.
Tumor growth (mean ± SEM) in mice treated according to Regimen 1 and additionally immunized (n = 10). The control group was injected with saline. In Regimen 1, mice received two CP injections (100 mg per 1 kg body weight) on a daily interval; 0.5–1 mg human DNA were administered i.p. or s.c. Krebs-2 tumor cells were grafted i.m. 1.5 month after the last DNA administration. Regimen 1 + immunization, mice received CP injection (200 mg per 1 kg body weight); 30 min afterward and during the consecutive two days, mice were injected with human DNA, 1 mg i.p. and 1 mg s.c.. Mice were pre-immunized with Krebs-2 tumor AGs by a s.c. injection 10 days after the last DNA administration; Krebs-2 tumor cells were grafted i.m. 10 days after immunization. Immunization enhanced the suppressive effect on tumor growth.