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. 2009 Aug;5(1):87–101.


Rank order of provinces by adjusted* rates of self-perceived unmet need, overall and by reason

Province Overall unmet need Reason for unmet need
Availability Accessibility Acceptability
BC 4 8 1 2
AB 7 7 2 4
SK 9 10 9 3
MB 1 3 10 1
ON 6 6 5 5
QC 2 1 7 7
NB 5 4 4 10
NS 8 5 3 8
PE 10 9 8 9
NF 3 2 6 6

1 = highest/most unmet need; 10 = lowest/least unmet need


Adjusted for rural–urban status chronic conditions, self-rated health, sex, age, marital status, educational attainment, ethnic origin, having a regular medical doctor, income adequacy, pharmaceutical insurance and occupation class.