Figure 4. Psn-induced effects on intracellular calcium stores are suppressed by a loss-of-function mutation in Cam.
A) Resting calcium levels are not affected by the loss of a single Cam allele either in a wild type (Cha/Camnull) or in a Psn mutant background (Cha/Camnull; PsnFAD), compared to their respective controls (Cha and Cha;PsnFAD, respectively). B) Loss of a single allele in Cam suppresses Psn-induced deficits in calcium stores content (Cha/Camnull;PsnFAD compared to Cha;PsnFAD, P = 0.01). Neurons were treated with ionomycin and the area under the curve was calculated from baseline to the point of 50 percent return to baseline. Data are represented by modified box-whisker plots as described in Figure 2. Light grey boxes identify groups that are statistically different from the Cha-GAL4 control. Each box represents recordings from cultures generated from at least six independent brains, cultured on at least three independent culturing days. C) Calcium release induced by the application of 5 µM ionomycin (arrow). Each trace represents a response from a single representative cell for each genotype.