Figure 2.
Expression of the phosphomimetic KLP10A S573E mutant dampens MT dynamics during interphase S2 cells. (a, top) Interphase cell expressing EGFP–α-tubulin and mRFP-KLP10A wt. (bottom) Magnified images (of the boxed region) from a time-lapse video were used to analyze MT dwell times. Numbers are shown in elapsed time (seconds). Arrows indicate a catastrophe. (b) Western blot of S2 cell lysates treated with control (CTR) dsRNA or KLP10A 5′ UTR dsRNA. (c) Mean dwell times of MT ends in the vicinity of the cell cortex. Cells expressing comparable levels of mRFP-KLP10A were selected for analysis. S573E, n = 200 (10); S573A, n = 200 (11); wt, n = 201 (10); no KLP10A, n = 199 (10); with numbers in parentheses indicating the number of cells analyzed. **, P < 0.01. Error bars indicate SD. Bar, 10 µm.