Baseline attentional set shifting task performance. Upper panel: for patients and control subjects, mean errors with standard error bars are shown on the y axis for each stage denoted along the x axis. For each stage, Kruskal–Wallis comparisons are given. Lower panel: on the left the cumulative pass rate (%) is given on the y axis for each stage denoted along the x axis. For each stage this refers to the total number of patients and control subjects who have passed up until and including the current stage. On the right, the pass rate for the individual stage (%) is given on the x axis for each stage denoted on the y axis. This refers to the number of patients and control subjects who actually attempted that particular stage, having passed the previous stage. SD, simple discrimination; SR, simple reversal; C_D, compound discrimination; CD, compound discrimination; CR, compound reversal; IDS, intradimensional shift; IDR, intradimensional reversal; EDS, extradimensional shift; EDR, extradimensional reversal.