FIG. 2.—
Alignment of dinoflagellate 5S ribosomal RNA gene using ClustalX. Promoter elements are indicated in Box A, I, and Box C. The region of dino5S probe binding is indicated by an arrow; positions where nucleotides differ from the probe are marked with shading. Har, Heterocapsa arctica; Kbr, Karenia brevis; Kve-1, Karlodinium veneficum, 5S in tandem repeats; Kve-2, K. veneficum, 5S clustered with SL RNA; Pgl, Polarella glacialis; Pmi, Prorocentrum minimum; Ppi-1, Pfiesteria piscicida, 5S in tandem repeats; and Ppi-2, P. piscicida, 5S clustered with SL RNA. “–” indicates missing nucleotides. Cco, Crypthecodinium cohnii (M25115); Pat (Perkinsus atlanticus, AF509333) are shown for reference.