a) AP-2α western blot analysis of SCC22B cells with AP-2α overexpression. b) Cell cycle analysis via flow cytometry comparing WT, AP-2α-overexpressing, and AP-2α-downregulated SCC22B cells. * P-value = 0.0003. c) Methylation sensitive HhaI digests were performed on DNAs from SCC22B cells with and without AP-2α downregulation, revealing no distinguishable difference in global DNA methylation. “M” = methylated; “U” = unmethylated. d) 1 µM 5-aza-2′deoxycytidine was applied to the cells for 96 hours, changing the media daily. After 96 hours, the 5-aza-2′deoxycytidine was removed and the cells were continued in culture for 10 days, collecting cells at 0, 7, and 10 days post-treatment. Combined bisulfite restriction analysis on bisulfite-treated DNA obtained from these cells at 0, 7, and 10 days. Increased methylation at 10 days is seen in the AP-2α-expressing cells (i.e. the digested band indicated by the arrow).