Optimization of the evolution of ornamentation and of pollination in the Araceae. Composite phylogenetic tree of the family where each mirror tree presents the optimization of one character. A. Optimization of ornamentation type (five character states: Psilate, Verrucate, Striate, Echinulate and Foveolate/Reticulate). Pictures are given as illustratiion for each of these types, they do not correspond to a particular species of the family. They were obtained from http://www.paldat.org. B. Optimization of pollination type (four character states: Beetle, Fly, Thrip and Bee pollination). Species names are coloured according to the subfamilies (Orontioideae in pink, Monsteroideae in blue, Lasioideae in orange, Calloideae in green and Aroideae in red). The last common ancestor of the group Areae+Arisaemateae is indicated by a red arrow.