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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2010 Jan 1.
Published in final edited form as: J Forensic Sci. 2008 Nov 29;54(1):220–231. doi: 10.1111/j.1556-4029.2008.00927.x


Areas of significant activation for Lie-minus-True group analysis of Mock-crime and No-crime groups.

Cluster k Voxel z-value MNI Coordinates of Voxel with Largest t-value X, Y, Z (mm) Anatomic Location of Voxel with Largest t-value Brodmann’s Area of Voxel with Largest t-value Complete Anatomic Area of Cluster
Mock-crime Group Analysis of Lie-minus-True (FDR < 0.05, k > 25)
1 920 5.29 −45, 30, −9 L orbitofrontal 47 L orbitofrontal
4.69 −42, 12, 45 L precentral 9 L superior temporal pole
4.66 −54, 30, −3 L orbitofrontal 45 L insula
L precentral
L inferior frontal
L middle frontal
2 104 4.83 54, 15, −12 R superior temporal pole 38 R superior temporal pole
3.81 33, 18, −15 R insula 48 R insula
3.4 36, 27, −6 R orbitofrontal 47 *R orbitofrontal
3 234 4.66 −42, −51, 48 L inferior parietal 40 L inferior parietal
4.53 −60, −51, 33 L supramarginal 40 L supramarginal
3.58 −33, −42, 51 L inferior parietal 40 L angular
4 42 4.47 9, −3, 6 R thalamus NA R thalamus
3.94 15, 0, 18 R caudate NA R caudate
5 367 4.31 9, 18, 54 R supplementary motor 6 R supplementary motor
4.03 −3, 18, 48 L supplementary motor 32 L supplementary motor
3.98 −6, 15, 57 L supplementary motor 6 *R anterior cingulate
R middle cingulate
L middle cingulate
L superior medial frontal
R superior medial frontal
6 65 4.23 9, −105, 6 R calcarine 17 R calcarine
3.38 6, −93, 3 L calcarine 17 L calcarine
R superior occipital
R cuneus
7 187 4.19 27, −87, −9 R inferior occipital 18 R inferior occipital
4.08 12, −84, −18 R cerebellum 18 R cerebellum
3.95 −6, −81, −18 L cerebellum 18 L cerebellum
R lingula
L lingula
R fusiform
8 62 4.01 39, 54, 12 R middle frontal 46 *R middle frontal
3.81 33, 51, 21 R middle frontal 46 R superior frontal
9 116 3.8 −27, 51, 24 L middle frontal 46 L middle frontal
3.46 −33, 60, 15 L middle frontal 10 L inferior frontal
3.42 −45, 51, 6 L middle frontal 46 L superior frontal
10 35 3.7 −18, −102, 12 L middle occipital 17 L middle occipital
L superior occipital
11 31 3.63 −9, −27, 18 L thalamus NA L thalamus
L hippocampus
12 50 3.51 −24, −63, 60 L superior parietal 7 L superior parietal
3.32 −15, −69, 60 L precuneus 7 L precuneus
13 34 3.28 −60, −36, −12 L middle temporal 20 *L middle temporal
3.2 −51, −42, −6 L middle temporal 21 L inferior temporal
No-crime Group Analysis of Lie-minus-True (FDR < 0.05, k > 25)
1 576 5.02 −3, −24, 48 L middle cingulate NA L middle cingulate
4.39 −12, −18, 42 L middle cingulate NA R precuneus
4.19 9, −54, 33 R precuneus 23 R calcarine
L calcarine
L precuneus
L cuneus
R posterior cingulate
L posterior cingulate
L supplementary motor
R supplementary motor
L paracentral lobule
2 659 5.01 12, 54, 0 R orbitofrontal 10 *R orbitofrontal
4.97 −12, 42, −15 L rectus 11 L rectus
4.87 −3, 48, −18 L rectus 11 L orbitofrontal
R rectus
L anterior cingulate
*R anterior cingulate
L medial superior frontal
R medial superior frontal
R superior frontal
3 29 4.64 −45, −78, 36 L middle occipital 39 L middle occipital
L angular
4 224 4.42 45, −27, 63 R postcentral 3 R postcentral
3.94 42, −18, 45 R postcentral 4 R precentral
3.86 30, −30, 54 R postcentral 3
5 117 4.22 57, −66, 18 R middle temporal 39 R middle temporal
3.84 42, −51, 21 R middle temporal 39 R middle occipital
R superior temporal
R angular
6 27 4.15 30, −12, 9 R putamen 48 R putamen
R insula
7 27 3.76 21, −18, −27 R parahippocampus 30 R parahippocampus
3.46 27, −12, −27 R parahippocampus 36

Regions that have been significantly activated in our prior 3 studies for Lie-minus-True.

R, right; L, left; k, number of voxels in cluster; NA, location does not have a Brodmann’s Area value such as being located in deep brain structures or white matter.

Brodmann’s Areas and anatomic locations were determined using MRIcro and finding the closest reasonable value.