Effects of ADDLs on subcellular localization and modification of DLP1 in primary rat E18 hippocampal neurons. A, Representative immunoblot and quantification analysis showed that both relative mitochondrial DLP1 level (DLP1/COX IV) and the relative ratio of phospho-DLP1 (p-DLP1) to DLP1 increased significantly in primary rat E18 hippocampal neurons (DIV 12) treated with 800 nm ADDLs for 24 h. Unlike ADDLs, 10 μm Aβ42-1 had no effect on either relative mitochondrial DLP1 level (DLP1/COX IV) or the relative ratio of p-DLP1/DLP1 (not shown). All samples were also immunoblotted with antibodies to detect mitochondrial (COX IV) and cytoplasmic (GAPDH) markers. The absence of GAPDH in the mitochondrial fraction confirms the purity of preparations from cell lysates. B, Representative immunoblot and quantification analysis further revealed that S-nitrosylated DLP1 (SNO-DLP1) formation was also enhanced in primary rat E18 hippocampal neurons (DIV 12) treated with 800 nm ADDLs for 24 h. As a control, 10 μm Aβ42-1 did not affect SNO-DLP1 formation. All experiments were repeated three times (*p < 0.05, Student's t test).