Dendrogram illustrating sequence affinities between oil palm MADS box proteins and selected relatives from other angiosperm groups. Subfamilies are designated according to the system of Becker and Theissen (2003). The tree shown is a schematic representation of topologies obtained using the maximum parsimony (MP) method with full-length MADS box amino acid sequences. Abbreviations: euAG, euAGAMOUS clade; PLE, PLENA clade; FBP7, FLORAL BINDING PROTEIN 7 clade; SEP3, SEPALLATA3; SEP1/2, SEPALLATA1/2; LHS1, LEAFY HULL STERILE1; euAP1, euAPETALA1 clade; FUL, FRUITFULL; CAL, calyx; COR, corolla; AN, androecium; GY, gynoecium; OV, ovule.