The gradients of water vapour and CO2 depicted for the BASIC, INTERN, CLOS and SUNK models. The concentration values are plotted against the height, from the bottom of each model to its top, at the centre point of the porus. The maximum height amounts to 70 µm for BASIC, INTERN and CLOS models and to 100 µm for the SUNK model. (A) Concentration gradient of water vapour for BASIC (open circles), INTERN (filled circles) and CLOS (triangles) models. (B) Concentration gradient of CO2 for BASIC (open circles) and CLOS (triangles) models. The INTERN model is not included in this graph since it shows a gradient of CO2 which is identical to the BASIC model. (C) Concentration gradient of water vapour for the SUNK model. (D) Concentration gradient of CO2 for the SUNK model. Dotted line, internal pore of stomatal chamber; broken line, external pore of stomatal channel; solid line, external orifice of stomatal antechamber.